Full of the Dickens - The Cutting Styles

With 14 different puzzle cutters contributing sections and Melinda deliberately switching styles in the white background areas to illustrate as many as possible, “Full of the Dickens” contains a variety of styles, many mentioned in “My analysis of puzzle cutting styles” article as well as others created by the cutter.

Some of the more intriguing ones are:

Scroll: John Stokes does a beautiful version which he calls “"creative” style". Note the intricately cut “cog gear” variation in the center.

Continuous scroll: Melinda employs this technique which she calls “"maze cutting"”. Note the straight cuts through thin “arms” making larger pieces into smaller pieces.

Long/angular: Jeff Abrams cut his entire section in this style.

Curl knob: Amy Finley Scott does a beautiful version of this cutting style.

"Continuous long/round": Conrad Armstrong cuts in this style with a “dancing foot” at the ends of his long/round pieces. He has left a large continuous cut piece intact which illustrates both his “dancing foot” long/round style and his maze cutting.

For the sheer variety of styles, check the display of pieces pulled out of the white background cut by Melinda. I don’'t even have names for all of them!