No repairs needed. Stave puzzle cut by SKR and MCS in 1982 for Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Lilly III. Includes: rebus, enlarged silhouette,and logograph cut in puzzle; explanation of these features in the puzzle box; 34 fine figure pieces; mahogany backed plywood; and an Edward Lear limerick written on puzzle back in gold cursive. Artist is the well known Charles M. Wysocki, Jr. (1928 – 2002), an American painter, whose works depict a stylized version of American life of yesteryear. While some of his works show horseless carriages, most depict the horse and buggy era. Wikipedia.
Lear limerick:
O My Aged Uncle Arty
Sitting on a heap of barley
Thro' the silent hours of night
Close beside a leafy thicket
On his nose There was a Cricket
In his hat a railroad ticket
(But his shoes were far too tight.)