George Merrill of Melrose, MA cut this large puzzle in his elongated push-fit style @1929. Formerly part of our "Wild Bear Collection" which we are now breaking up because my 3 sons have long since grown up and even their children are too old to be excited by "wild bears". Philip R. Goodwin (1881-1935) is the artist. Philip R. Goodwin was an American painter and illustrator who specialized in depictions of wildlife, the outdoors, fishing, hunting and the Old American West. He provided illustrations for numerous books and magazines, as well as for commercial items, such as posters, advertisements and calendars. Wikipedia. Frequently, his outdoors, fishing and hunting scenes depicted 2 men in the woods, one in a red shirt and the other in a dark blue shirt. And with bears around! The 2 men depicted here will shortly have "something to do", i.e. getting out of the way of a mama bear and her cubs. I suspect they will lose their food supplies. I encountered a bear here at Briarwood several years ago. He looked at me and I looked at him and we both backed away: he back around the corner of my cottage and me into our garage. He was a lonely bear no longer under the supervision of his mother and bewildered by the strange world around him.