We commissioned Charles Russell, Auburn, MA in 1974 to cut this small copy of illustrations dating back to 1400 AD. The story of Jonah and the Whale, mentioned in the Qur'an (37:139), was popular in the Muslim world and frequently illustrated in manuscripts of world history. The large-scale painting in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC, however, never formed part of a manuscript. Rather, it may have been used during oral recitation or storytelling. Scholars have also suggested that with its strong palette, monumental figures, and spare composition, this work may reflect a now-lost wall painting tradition. Here, we see Jonah after his release from the belly of the fish. Above him, a gourd vine grows—sent by God to protect him from the elements—and, gliding across the top of the painting, a spirited angel with colorful spreading wings offers Jonah a garment. Wikipedia
Plywood, interlocking, well cut along color lines with 7 figure pieces.