Our last and fourth acquisition in the 4 puzzle Labrador Zag-Zaw series produced by Tuck & Sons, London, England 1932c. Plywood, interlocking, 20 specially designed figure pieces, many associated with the Arctic. The boxes for all 4 are specially made also, with polar silhouettes and different colors (box for this puzzle is dark green). And the signature "Wilfred Grenfell, Labrador" is stamped on the bottom of each box. Unlike the other 3 whose artist is B. Gribble, the artist here is Raphael Theodore Roussel, British artist who lived 1883-1967. Identification came from David Shearer of Jigasaurus. Thank you, David!
Altogether, a high quality, limited series for puzzlers to collect. Good luck! It took us @15 years and a good friend, Dick Giese, Worcester, MA who found the puzzle to complete the series, but we started before the days of Ebay when it was much harder to find old puzzles.
St. Anthony in Winter Headdquarters, International Grenfell Association
Catalog Code:
2- 2730
Sale Status:
Not for Sale