Puzzles for Sale 2023

Our 2023 Fall Sale ended 9 pm, EST, November 12, 2023. If you have signed up or emailed us to receive notification, or been notified and participated in past sales, you should have been notified on November 3rd. If you have any doubts, just email us so we can recheck our mailing list for future sales.

All puzzles were sold with most going by overbids.  Many new bidders joined in and won puzzles.  We need your addresses to draft bills and mail out puzzles (unless you bought from us before).  I have checked the bidding and what you see on the screen is final.  However, if you think there is an error, please contact me ASAP.  We listen!  Puzzles are shipped only after we receive your check.  For customers living close to Worcester you are invited to drive to my cottage, pay for and pick up puzzles you won, view my workshop and puzzles, and "talk puzzles".  Personal checks are fine; no charging accepted.  PayPal allowed for sales abroad with the buyer paying all fees.  While bills have a charge for insurance added, you may delete it and "self insure".  Drafting and sending out bills has proved very challenging for me at age 87.  Emperor Joseph II of Austria after listening to a short piano piece written and played by Mozart said, " simply too many notes, that's all.".  Well, I say, "Simply too many screens, that's all"!  .

Regardless of how you learned of our sale, you can participate in future sales through this website page, using email to place bids. We also urge you to read the "About the 2023 Sale and Instructions" to get a feel of how the sale works. We welcome all serious bidders from around the world (although it is more expensive for a foreign buyer because of currency exchange, PayPal charges, insurance and overseas shipment).

Displaying 1 - 32 of 115
Search for a puzzle
Catalog Code Title Maker Pieces List Pricesort descending
6- 6467 [Mountain, lake] Tuco Workshops, Inc. 357 $15
2- 21248 [Mill and stream] 82 $15
8- 8042 New York City Wentworth Wooden Jigsaw Co. 122 $15
2- 21280 The Fox's Point of View Madmar Quality Co. 64 $18
2- 21185 House by the Side of the Road Waldo Bemis 114 $20
2- 21213 The Swing Hamlen, H.E. 54 $20
2- 02728 The Circus Hayter & Co 72 $20
2- 21063 Birds Ahead 104 $20
2- 21074 Peasants Going to Church in Winter A.D. Fogarty & Co 119 $20
5- 5012 Offering of the Coral Plant to the Emperor Springbok Editions 186 $25
2- 21211 Mitzi Hamlen, H.E. 76 $25
5- 5214 [gypsy family] Helen "Tip" Foley 136 $25
2- 21218 On the Scent Hamlen, H.E. 107 $25
7- 7011 Rodeo Springbok Editions 500 $25
7- 7015 American Gothic Springbok, div. of Hallmark Cards 500 $25
7- 7026 Bokhara Oriental Rug American Publishing Co. 500 $25
2- 21276 The Hunt Breakfast Hamlen, H.E. 136 $25
9- 0916 Prize Dogs Springbok Editions 60 $30
7- 7012 The Racing Hall of Fame Springbok Editions 500 $30
7- 7014 Riders in the Woods Springbok Editions 500 $30
2- 21073 Snow Covered Village A.D. Fogarty & Co 159 $30
2- 21146 Gloucester Harbor Milton Bradley Co 100 $30
P- 1339 Sea Dreams Parker Brothers 76 $30
5- 5295 Tired of Waiting Hayter & Co 250 $35
JS- 420 In Golden Hunting Grounds Joseph K. Straus 208 $35
5- 5217 Courtesans and Posting Stations Helen "Tip" Foley 288 $40
P- 1350 The Rapids Parker Brothers 101 $40
P- 1359 The Landing Steps Parker Brothers 104 $40
2- 21235 Nature's Gems Forfren Puzzle Library 260 $40
P- 0655 Her Prized Possession Parker Brothers 108 $40

JS- 433 The Bay of Monterey/On the River Road Joseph K. Straus 200 $40
2- 21164 Hold It Waldo Bemis 206 $45
