
Catalog Code Title Maker Pieces Collection
31 In Maine Through the Rapids Parker Brothers 500
033 Bears at Dawn Joseph K. Straus 300 Sale 2018
232 Bearly There Conrad Armstrong 1,184
0506 Trouble Bruin James Browning 500 Sale 2020
201 The Interrupted Supper Tuttle, Elihu S. 320
20204 Height of Impudence 412 Sale 2019
768 An Unexpected Visit Parker Brothers 223
6002 The Bare Faced Robbery Tuco Workshops, Inc. 320
666 Red Demon of the Forest Milton Bradley Co 465
73 Prepared for Bear Parker Brothers 500
540 Who Killed the Bear James Browning 750
0574 What's in the Basket? Parker Brothers 200 Sale 2019
786 Upsetting Their Calculations Parker Brothers 551
115 Time for Action Parker Brothers 100
137 Steady, Boy, Steady Parker Brothers 500
660 Here's Luck Parker Brothers 308
691 Bear Raid Parker Brothers 500
2911 Double Surprise Madmar Quality Co. 250
02652 Whose Meat? 200 Sale 2021
623 Surprised Consolidated Paper Box Co. 250


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